Sip & Sonder
Sip & Sonder, from founders Amanda-Jane Thomas and Shanita Nicholas, is a Black women-owned brand that has been recognized as one of the best cafés in L.A. by the Los Angeles Times. Guests in the district can expect to enjoy Sip & Sonder’s signature lattes, as well as fresh treats and frozen drinks.
Sip & Sonder
Sip & Sonder, from founders Amanda-Jane Thomas and Shanita Nicholas, is a Black women-owned brand that has been recognized as one of the best cafés in L.A. by the Los Angeles Times. Guests in the district can expect to enjoy Sip & Sonder’s signature lattes, as well as fresh treats and frozen drinks.
Downtown Disney District • 1569 South Disneyland Drive
Anaheim CA 92802 • 657.347.3005
Downtown Disney District
1569 South Disneyland Drive
Anaheim CA 92802
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